Final Version of Community-Based Palliative Care Consensus Standards Available Now

Originally posted on November 3, 2017

The finalized version of the Community-Based Palliative Care Consensus Standards for California has recently been released by the California Advanced Illness Collaborative (CAIC). These Standards were developed by the CAIC to make high-quality palliative care available as a standard part of medical care for all Californians.

Initiated and convened by Dr. Marcus Tygeson, MD, and Judy Thomas, JD, a group of experts including healthcare researchers, providers, and health plan representatives gathered as the CAIC Planning Group. Together, this group of thought leaders developed the initial draft of the Standards document. The draft was then presented to a large palliative care community at the 2017 Palliative Care Summit in March, and on the CCCC website. The group welcomed public feedback and comments.

Following the presentation and comment window, the group revised the Standards document into the version available now. Beginning January 2018, the Standards will be tested in a multi-payer/multi-provider pilot, funded by the California Health Care Foundation.

To learn more about the process, the uses of the Standards, and to download the Standards document, visit the CAIC page on the CCCC website.